手工香皂,100% 天然-- 只有用植物油做的皂基,泡沫细腻丰富,能彻底清除毛孔深处的油污,天然甘油使肌肤滋润有光泽!
橄欖油 含有高比例油酸和豐富的維他 命、礦物質、蛋白質。特別是天然的 角鲨烯成分,可以保濕並修護皮膚。其所製造出的手工皂泡沫持久且如奶油般細緻,由於深具滋潤性,也很適合用來製作乾性膚質及嬰兒用皂,特別是受損乾燥老化 及異位性皮膚炎。
米 糠油 含豐富維生素E、蛋白質…等 物質,與小麥胚芽油類似,但較輕質。有較小的分子所以較容易滲透到皮膚中,能供給肌膚水分及營養,還有美白、抑制肌膚細胞老化的功能。
甜杏仁油 有讓肌膚軟化、滋潤肌膚與恢復 肌膚元氣的成分,特別針對乾燥、 成熟及脆弱、敏感皮膚特別有幫助 。
橄榄油,棕榈油,椰油,有机米糠油,纯青黛粉,植物浸泡油,碱,尤加利纯精油,vit E 油,甜杏仁油(无添加任何活性界面剂,不含人工香精和防腐剂)
2.皂皂停留在皮肤的时间虽然短暂,短时间内也不会有立竿见形的效果,但天长日久地使 用,你会感到手工皂与众不同的呵护,会感觉到你的皮肤日益变得细腻、健康、白皙、 色斑渐渐消褪(当然,由内分泌紊乱引起的色斑不是皂皂所能解决的,这需要中医的诊 治调理)
*can be used for facial wash or body bath,suitable for all skin types
*Since each soap is made and cut by hand, they may vary slightly in size, weight and color
Indigo powder is the dried and crushed leaves of the indigofera tinctoria shrub, found in tropical regions. This herb is very effective in clearing off the heat, detoxifying the blood, dissolve ecchymoses and cools down blood.
It is a disinfector and cleaner for inflammations and spasm. It's useful for acne, eczema, and psoriasis
Main ingredients:
Pure Olive Oil,Palm Oil,Coconut Oil,Organic Rice Bran Oil,Sodium Hydroxide,Indigo Powder,Plant Immerse Oil,Pure Essential Oil,Sweet Almond Oil,Vitamin E oil.
(Contains no harmful synthetic chemicals, preservatives, artificial dyes or synthetic fragance oil)
We are committed to bring you only the best
from the nature and earth friendly products,
We assure you that our product do not contain the following chemicals commonly found in soaps:
1) harmful synthetic chemicals and Synthetic detergents
2) Fillers and soap hardeners
3) Silicones, paraffins and synthetic oils
4) Preservatives
5) Synthetic fragrance oil
6) Artificial dyes
橄欖油 含有高比例油酸和豐富的維他 命、礦物質、蛋白質。特別是天然的 角鲨烯成分,可以保濕並修護皮膚。其所製造出的手工皂泡沫持久且如奶油般細緻,由於深具滋潤性,也很適合用來製作乾性膚質及嬰兒用皂,特別是受損乾燥老化 及異位性皮膚炎。
米 糠油 含豐富維生素E、蛋白質…等 物質,與小麥胚芽油類似,但較輕質。有較小的分子所以較容易滲透到皮膚中,能供給肌膚水分及營養,還有美白、抑制肌膚細胞老化的功能。
甜杏仁油 有讓肌膚軟化、滋潤肌膚與恢復 肌膚元氣的成分,特別針對乾燥、 成熟及脆弱、敏感皮膚特別有幫助 。
橄榄油,棕榈油,椰油,有机米糠油,纯青黛粉,植物浸泡油,碱,尤加利纯精油,vit E 油,甜杏仁油(无添加任何活性界面剂,不含人工香精和防腐剂)
2.皂皂停留在皮肤的时间虽然短暂,短时间内也不会有立竿见形的效果,但天长日久地使 用,你会感到手工皂与众不同的呵护,会感觉到你的皮肤日益变得细腻、健康、白皙、 色斑渐渐消褪(当然,由内分泌紊乱引起的色斑不是皂皂所能解决的,这需要中医的诊 治调理)
*can be used for facial wash or body bath,suitable for all skin types
*Since each soap is made and cut by hand, they may vary slightly in size, weight and color
Indigo powder is the dried and crushed leaves of the indigofera tinctoria shrub, found in tropical regions. This herb is very effective in clearing off the heat, detoxifying the blood, dissolve ecchymoses and cools down blood.
It is a disinfector and cleaner for inflammations and spasm. It's useful for acne, eczema, and psoriasis
Main ingredients:
Pure Olive Oil,Palm Oil,Coconut Oil,Organic Rice Bran Oil,Sodium Hydroxide,Indigo Powder,Plant Immerse Oil,Pure Essential Oil,Sweet Almond Oil,Vitamin E oil.
(Contains no harmful synthetic chemicals, preservatives, artificial dyes or synthetic fragance oil)
We are committed to bring you only the best
from the nature and earth friendly products,
We assure you that our product do not contain the following chemicals commonly found in soaps:
1) harmful synthetic chemicals and Synthetic detergents
2) Fillers and soap hardeners
3) Silicones, paraffins and synthetic oils
4) Preservatives
5) Synthetic fragrance oil
6) Artificial dyes
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