
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

吉蒂猫亲亲宝贝皂-Kitty Cat Milk Soap





橄榄油,棕榈油,椰油,鲜牛奶,植物精油,Vit E,甜杏仁油,可可脂(无添加任何活性界面剂,不含人工香精和防腐剂)


These soaps are made with a base of natural olive oil, coconut oil, rice bran oil, palm oil and sweet almond oil.  Made with fresh milk for 100% of the liquid portion of these soaps to give you ultra moisturizing and full of nutrients for your skin
Sweet almond oil is an excellent emollient that gets absorbed by the skin very easily without making you feel greasy or sticky.  This oil also has the benefit of having a very mild fragrance and a very light color. It effectively moisturizes dry skin, making it look soft and glowing.  The natural lubricating property of this oil also helps repair cracked and flaky skin,

Monday, March 26, 2012


橄榄油,棕榈油,椰油,植物精油,Vit E,甜杏仁油,Pure Essential oil

椰子油红棕榈油滋润皂-Coconut Oil Mosturizing Soap

采用了天然冷壓的優質椰子油(virgin coconut oil),这油親膚性佳、易吸收,同時滋養並保持肌膚的柔嫩光澤,並達到深層肌膚滋潤,並蘊含豐富月桂酸,許多研究指出-月桂酸有極佳的抗微生物活性,實為天然、頗具實效的清潔保養聖品。天然手工椰子油滋潤皂,泡沫柔細溫和,更能輕易深入肌膚毛孔清潔,結合淡淡的天然椰香,使用後更可感受毛孔的清新舒暢,同時淨化您的肌膚,對個人衛生之維護效果極佳。

橄榄油,棕榈油,椰油,天然冷壓的優質椰子油(virgin coconut oil),红棕榈油,植物精油,vit E,甜杏仁油(无添加任何活性界面剂,不含人工香精和防腐剂)

Virgin Coconut oil moisturizes skin and fights bacteria and fungi, revealing a glowing, smooth healthy skin. And it would soften our skin since it is rich for the mineral our skin needs in order to maintain its moisture.

Experience for yourself the regenerative, curative and skin enhancing properties of virgin coconut oil made from the finest cold-processed first extracts.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

金盏花白芷珍珠美白皂-Calendula Whitening Soap

这款皂用了大量的金盏花泡茶来代替纯水,金盏花除了具有淡斑美白之外,可抗过敏,对于湿疹有很大的帮助,白芷温和不刺激,具有消毒,消肿,排脓,抗炎的功效,且可避免黑色素沉淀。薏仁粉和珍珠粉都有美白淡斑, 补水保湿, 滋润营养, 祛痘控油, 紧致毛孔,的功能。

橄榄油,棕榈油,椰油,有机米糠油,金盏花花茶水,白芷,薏仁粉,珍珠粉,碱,植物精油,vit E,甜杏仁油(无添加任何活性界面剂,不含人工香精和防腐剂)


Friday, March 23, 2012

備长炭牛奶滋润皂-Charcoal Milk Soap


橄榄油,棕榈油,椰油,有机米糠油,鲜牛奶,備长炭粉,碱,植物浸泡油,植物精油,vit E,甜杏仁油(无添加任何活性界面剂,不含人工香精和防腐剂)


*can be used for facial wash or body bath,suitable for all skin types
*Since each soap is made and cut by hand, they may vary slightly in size, weight and color

Charcoal powder - not the one from your BBQ grill, but the specially processed activated kind,used effectively cleanse and whiten your skin, unclogg pores, remove impurities and dead skin cells from the top layer of the skin, resulting supple, delicate and smooth skin.

Main ingredients:
Pure Olive Oil,Palm Oil,Coconut Oil,Organic Rice Bran Oil,Activated charcoal,Sodium Hydroxide,Pure Essential Oil,Sweet Almond Oil,Vitamin E oil.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

有机绿茶尤加利香皂-Organic Green Tea Eucalyptus Soap


橄榄油,棕榈油,椰油,有机绿茶浸泡油,绿茶粉,碱,纯尤加利精油,vit E,甜杏仁油,鲜牛奶(无添加任何活性界面剂,不含人工香精和防腐剂)


*can be used for facial wash or body bath,suitable for all skin types
*Since each soap is made and cut by hand, they may vary slightly in size, weight and color

Green tea is rich in antioxidants, helps aid in the reduction of inflammation studies also suggest that it helps to build skin elastin which prevent the aging of skin and the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles .
Eucalyptus essential oil has many benefits such as antimicrobial and antibacterial. It also has natural invigorating effects that help to cure mental fatigue and body exhaustion.

Main ingredients:
Pure Olive Oil,Palm Oil,Coconut Oil,Organic Green Tea powder,Green tea powder immerse oil,fresh Milk,Sodium Hydroxide,Pure Eucalyptus Essential Oil,Sweet Almond Oil,Vitamin E oil.

(Contains no harmful synthetic chemicals, preservatives, artificial dyes or synthetic fragance oil)

珍珠人参美白皂-Pearl And Ginseng Whitening Soap

人参能促进皮肤血液循环,延緩皮膚衰老及皺紋的出現,这款皂用了人参茶入皂,也加入了人参碎粒。珍珠粉有非常好的美白效果, 含有豐富的礦物質 能使肌膚白皙.軟化. 其所含的微量元素及氨基酸 有利於保持皮膚中的水分。除了高含量的橄榄油,让肌肤更能滋嫩,也添加了米糠油,米糠油含有豐富的維他命E. 蛋白質 維生素等物質 可供給皮膚水分及營養 還有美白.抑制肌膚細胞老化的功能 。

橄榄油,棕榈油,椰油,植物浸泡油,珍珠粉,人参粒,人参茶,米糠油,碱,vit E,甜杏仁油.

*can be used for facial wash or body bath,suitable for all skin types
*Since each soap is made and cut by hand, they may vary slightly in size, weight and color

Experience an exotic long lasting facial soap of Ginseng and edible pearl powder for beauty,cleansing & mosturizing effect. Contains vitamins C & E which helps restore firmness to your aging skin.

Main ingredients:
Pure Olive Oil,Palm Oil,Coconut Oil,Organic Rice Bran Oil,Ginseng tea water, Ginseng powder,Sodium Hydroxide,Pure Essential Oil,Sweet Almond Oil,Vitamin E oil.

(Contains no harmful synthetic chemicals, preservatives, artificial dyes or synthetic fragance oil)